Tomato Zombie, TZ for short, was suddenly changed from a happy little cherry tomato into a zombie by the evil Spaghetti Moss Zombie. Even though TZ has been transformed into a zombie, his heart is still pure and he is ever looking for ways to encourage and to help others. Through his adventures, TZ learns that first impressions can be deceiving and that not all scars can be seen from the outside.
Alan the Aged is a wise old gnome and leader of all the gnomes in the garden. Alan takes TZ under his wing, and give him instructions in all of gnome life, until the time is right for TZ to escape from the garden.
Maddox the Magnificent is a serious, young gnome in training who enjoys finding solutions to difficult problems. Maddox can be found paired with younger gnomes as they patrol the garden and is always ready to lead by example.
Canaan the Courageous is the youngest of the gnomes in training who finds joy in everything that he does. He may push the boundaries of an assignment but only so far as to add a moment of fun, never so far as to cause harm.
Gates of Wisdom and Freedom are guardians of the property. No one may enter or leave the yard without first passing through the gates. They see everything from their unique vantage point. To humans, their eyes are nothing more than pine knots, but to the other residents of the yard, they are eyes that see everything.
Spaghetti Moss Zombie, the villain of the garden, continues to spread his evil influence. At first, he is confined to a small section of the garden, but he is hoping TZ’s transformation will soon be complete, and will then join him in spreading evil.
Shell King is the ruler of the Shell people. He only allows shells that have not been broken into his kingdom and all must respect his authority.
Olive is a unicorn that was banished to the shoreline by the Shell King after losing to him in a contest years earlier. To ensure that she does not escape the island, the Shell King enlisted the help of a giant jellyfish to guard the waters. Olive’s beautiful coat of white was transformed into a drab grayish-green that matched her jealous heart which added to her punishment. The Shell King may have won that battle, but he had not broken her spirit. The one joy left to Olive was the ability to make rainbows.
Paislee is a winged Pegasus with the ability to fly swiftly across the island. That is until she was captured by Sea Skull. By the time TZ and Paislee meet, she is so muddy that she resembles a small horse and her wings have been tied so tightly to her sides that she could never escape.